A delegation of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) led by the Executive Secretary visited the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on 17-18 November 2016 in Rome, Italy. The delegation had a courtesy meeting with the President of IFAD, Dr. Kanayo Nwanze and had fruitful consultations with relevant IFAD Divisions. Several areas of partnerships between IFAD and ACBF were discussed during these consultations.
The main objective of the mission was for the two institutions to explore opportunities for partnership in capacity development in agriculture and rural development in Africa. The mission was also part of ACBF’s effort to diversify its partnerships for the implementation of its new Strategy (2017-2021)
During their exchanges, the two institutions agreed that there is a significant convergence between IFAD and ACBF on the importance of capacity development in support of the effective implementation of their strategies in Africa. They also agreed that both institutions strategies (ACBF Strategy 2017-2021 and IFAD Strategy 2016-2025) are compatible and set the path to explore practical steps for programmatic cooperation between IFAD and ACBF.
Several areas of cooperation were indeed identified at technical level and will form the basis for the cooperation between IFAD and ACBF. These areas include among others: support from ACBF in the elaboration of Country Strategic Opportunities Programs (COSOPs); a Study on capacity limitations in policy implementation units; Implementation of capacity needs assessment in selected countries; addressing the priority capacity needs identified through the ACBF capacity needs assessment processes; enhancing policy engagement / dialogue on agriculture and rural development; monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of capacity development interventions and conceptualization of a theory of change.