The Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Project (NEPRU Phase I & II)
Project Name:The Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Project (NEPRU Phase I & II)Institution :The Namibian Economic Policy Unit (NEPRU)Project Region :
- Core Competence:
Economic Policy Analysis and Management
Eastern & Southern AfricaCountry :NamibiaStatus :ClosedPhase :1Grant Number :20Grant Amount (USD):2 400 000Commitment Date:1994Closing Date:1999Phase :2Grant Number:62Grant Amount (USD):2 000 000Commitment Date:2001Closing Date:2005Phase:3Grant Number:186Grant Amount (USD):1 300 000Commitment Date:2006Closing Date:2010Introduction:NEPRU was set up in 1990 at the initiative of the Government of Namibia. In 1994 the Executive Board granted NEPRU US$ 2.4 million in support of a five-year program of activities. During NEPRU’s first phase under the Foundation’s support, 1994 – 2000, the unit was strengthened institutionally and became established as a policy think tank with visible inputs for development policy management in Namibia. At its 24th Regular Meeting, in December 2000, the Executive Board approved a grant of US$ 2 million to NEPRU II.
Project Description:The goal of the project is to strengthen research and policy analysis and continue to provide high quality economic information to policy makers.
- Core Competence: